7 Fun Outdoor Activities To Do For Fitness

Paddle boarding is a way to be active without actually working out.


By Margot Rutigliano | Updated January 12, 2019

Whether you live in a warm environment (like us in South Florida) or you’re heading somewhere where it is warm, it’s always nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air! Working out in the outdoors is a great way to change up your routine and get inspired again. There are so many great outdoor activities that will challenge your body in different ways, use different muscles and have you burning calories just like any other workout would.

We love to use the beach and local parks as our “gym” for our fitness boot camps. It’s so nice to get outside in the fresh air and the elements. If you’re not into a traditional workout or you just want to be active, here are a few ideas of how to be active and stay in tip-top shape in the outdoors!



1. SUP – Stand Up Paddle Boarding can be done on the ocean, lake and on some rivers. No matter where you live, SUP is sure to be offered (or somewhere close). This combo activity mixes the concepts of surfing and kayaking and will challenge your balance, strengthen your core and use muscles you forgot you had!

2. Beach Volleyball – Talk about getting a great workout in! As if volleyball isn’t a great workout in itself, add the sand and you are challenged in a whole different way. Sand or beach volleyball are most often found at the beach but many cities have added sand courts to parks. You’ll challenge foot and ankle strength, build better balance and work your body hard jumping for the ball! Check your local area for sand courts available.

3. Kayaking – Kayaking can be done anywhere and with all of the themed kayak excursions going on now, you are sure to find a tour or class in your area that will provide both a physical workout and great knowledge about the eco system or area you are kayaking in. Kayaking is great for lakes, rivers, rapids (advanced kayakers) as well as the ocean. Get ready to feel the burn in your upper body and core (if done properly). Combine kayaking with a hike for double the fitness fun!

4. Surfing – Surf your day away! We love water activities all year round here in Delray Beach, Florida. Surfing is the perfect way to incorporate both enjoying the water and a great workout. Paddling to get out in the surf is a workout in itself. Pair that with popping up and riding a wave and you’re sure to feel some muscles you never thought you had. If you’ve been surfing for a while, try adding pop ups into your weekly fitness regimen to build strength for that particular move. Surfing is a great way to challenge your core strength, upper body strength and balance.

5. Hiking – Hiking is a great way to discover a new area and include friends or family on your outdoor excursion. Anyone can hike and there is a wide range of hikes from the beginner level to an advanced level in most areas of the United States. Hikes, including guided hikes, can be found by a quick google search. Depending on the hike, you’ll challenge yourself with different terrains, elevation and length of time. Hiking tours can be found all over the world and can be incorporated in as an active vacation. This is a great way to get your workout in while experiencing the outdoors.

6. Swimming – Pools, lakes and the ocean provide environments to swim in. Depending on the time of year, you may have to head south or choose an indoor location to get your swim on. Swimming uses many muscles at one time and provides total body resistance, making it a challenge for every muscle. This no impact activity is also a great cross training alternative. The water provides a great platform for swimming laps, toning in the water or even an active family activity (water volleyball or tag). Whether you’re swimming laps or swimming for fun, this activity is a great way to get your heart pumping and keep yourself cool in the outdoor heat!

7. Skiing – Another major calorie burner, skiing provides a massive challenge to the body. Whether you’re cross country skiing or downhill skiing, you’ll be using multiple muscles at one time to generate power and maintain balance. Skiing helps challenge balance and coordination making your mind body connection a little sharper. Go hit the slopes or take a long trek to get your skiing workout on!

*BONUS: Snowshoeing – To add to Winter Fun, try snowshoeing and add an element of hiking in with the snow. It’s challenging, will get your heart rate up and you can see some gorgeous scenery while you’re at it!

Get out of the gym and into the outdoors! We hope this gave you a little inspiration to get outside either at home or on vacation and take advantage of outdoor activities. If you have any questions about this blog post, please leave them in the comment section below.


If you need help figuring out the best workouts for you or need one on one nutrition and lifestyle coaching, check out our Health & Wellness Coaching for more details. Either in person or online, you can coach with us from anywhere. Learn More: Health & Wellness Coaching

Reboot body and mind with one of our fitness boot camp programs. Jumpstart your health habits with beachside workouts, healthy fare and mind body relaxation. Learn More: Retreats Healthy Wishes - Margot + The Vita Vie Retreat Team


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